Social media strategy


IG Bio :

Let customers know WTF are we doing in one glance.


Story highlights:

Hey! You might find this interesting!


Our Vision:

Our belief and the reason for our existence.


Satirist Who:

Our stance and our attitude.


Weirdo Daily:

Funny videos from our daily life.


Look Closer:

The details of our products.



Creative works of the current drop.



The newest collection.


Posting strategies:

To give value.


Combining our data with the info from, our posting time is:

Wednesday: 6 AM

Friday: 5:50 AM

Saturday: 6 AM


Posting Results:

With the proper posting timing and some hashtag strategy,

the reaching result was quite impressive. (Yaaas!)


+462% account reach from non-followers.


The contents are attractive enough to

attract a significant number of strangers.


All the followers grow ORGANICALLY.


Age ranges perfectly match our

target audience prediction.


Creative Copywriting:

Every detail has to be humorous, especially for caption!


“Did you just fall?”

“No, I attacked the floor.”




Thinking from a different perspective gives you the superpower to make the whole world your playground.

Check out our profile and start perceiving this world differently, with humor!


“Handle every situation like a dog; if you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee on it and walk away.”




Find out more inspiring life attitudes in our profile!


“Dare to be different.”

Even sometimes people look at me and think:

“Really?! That’s the sperm that won?”




Check out our ridiculous products and see which speaks to you!


caption strategies:

Be shareable, savable, and relatable

Caption Checklist:

- Keep it short and sweet (ideal length of Instagram captions: 138-150 characters)

- Keep it simple with easy vocabulary

- Break it up with spaces and paragraphs so it is easy to read!

- Tell a good story

- Make it all about the user

- Ask them a question

- Tell them what to do next


caption structure:

Attention (Hook)

  • Paint the vision

  • Counterintuitive statements

  • Make it relatable: What does your target audience really care about?

  • Scarcity (What people doesn’t have right now)

  • TA’s pain point (Loss aversion)


  • Funny quotes and meme

  • Something TA can resonate


  • Ask open-ended questions

  • Encourage customers to take action

Types of Caption Formats

  1. Ask an open-ended question to get their opinion.

    Try starting the caption with words like: who, what, why, where, when, or how.

  2. Multiple-choice question or polling caption.

    Give a few answers to choose from.

  3. Call-to-action caption appealing to their emotions

    Ask them to like, comment, or tag a friend.

  4. Minimalist caption using emotional words

    Less is more. Use a few powerful words that trigger, feel, relate, inspire.

  5. Descriptive storytelling caption.

    Detailed explanation answering

    who, what, why, when, where & how


One last thing to success in social media:

Engagement, Engagement, Engagement.